Thursday, September 12

Wedding Day

 My legal wedding day on the 30th of August!! Only 25 days after my birthday and 8 days after my sisters. lets just say that August is a good month ;) I was married at the court house in Salisbury legally so that i can have my beach ceremony in Ocean City with a little less stress.

                                                                                                                                                                   Not everyone can say that they married their best friend ;) well I did!!! His name is Rares Stoia but everyone calls him Ryan since his real name is a little hard to pronounce lol. 

                                                                                                                                                                We've known each other for about a year but decided that this summer we wanted to become official and take our relationship to the next level. And so it grew very strong very fast considering we moved in together.

                                                    He is from Romania which is in Europe near Greece. He comes to America every summer on a Work and Travel Visa program offered to well standing student of Universities. Hes finished his studies and was planning on going back to Romania in about a month before him and I became serious.

                                                                                                                                                                        But... since that happened, we both weighed our options out and realized we couldn't leave each other. He was exactly what I wanted and I was exactly what he wanted. Even if it means he will have to leave his whole life and family behind, he is willing to do that for me.

                                                                                                                                                                        Its going to be a test all on its own and there will be plenty of obstacles to face, but that's the basis for a strong and trustworthy marriage. As long as our love is strong, we can get through any obstacles that is thrown our way. And I certainly have no doubt about our abilities :)

1 comment:

zerry ht said...

Good to see beautiful couple. It reminded me of my sister’s wedding anniversary at one of event space San Francisco. Lovely arrangements were done and delicious food was served there. I really had best time there and enjoyed a lot.