Tuesday, April 23

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What kind of drunk are you?? I like to have fun with friends and I am 20, so obviously my peers are in the party mode. Well, most of them. And it seems like they can't have fun unless they're drunk. So obviously I tag along. I haven't started partying until the end of my fall semester of college in 2012. This is because I've always been a loner and never liked going out and I found myself no really relating to people; so I never partied. But my last semester just stressed me out so much and I had a deep thought one night while studying.... I'm only going to be this young and beautiful for a short time. Each day I'm older than I was yesterday. So I need to enjoy my life and have fun with friends. The safe way that is. I don't like that people assume that when I say I went to a party, they think I'm irresponsible and I go to get belligerent to have a good time. I'm responsible and I always use the buddy system.

Anyways, I can't say the same for everyone. Many people are blind/naive of the dangers/high risks associated with the party life. One of the most important things to consider is your alcohol consumption. I took an amazing test that asked me questions that made me really think about my drinking in terms of how people perceive me and how this determines my behavior with friends, family, and at parties. Recently have been badgered about if I'm drunk or if I'm partying or that I party too much. It's annoying because I can control myself. So I took this test to kinda prove I'm not as bad as people think. This is my score and I think you should take it too. Just for the experience. It doesn't hurt and it's not long! It was kinda fun.
www.drunktests.com The Drunk Test
No matter what your drunk test says, every one should really stay aware of their surroundings, especially at a party where there is a lot of people you don't know every well. Here is a check list of things you should know and be aware of when you enter the life of partying. you can also use this as a check list for when you and your friends go out to parties

  • ALWAYS USED THE BUDDY SYSTEM. meaning: go with a group of friends, can be two or can be a few. Just make sure they you come together, stay together, and leave together. Always have each others backs, help your girl out when she is being hit on but a not so cute guy or a guy that's being a creep. no body wants that! always have a bathroom buddy. It may get a little annoying if your friend doesn't know when to break the seal and will have to pee every 5 minutes, but its better than her leaving you to go to the bathroom and now you both are alone. make sure you bring a few trusted friends with you and to make it better, bring a guy with you as-well;  gay guys are the best! 
  • Establish preventative measures before going out with friends. make sure you have a secret code between you and your friend. it can be something as simple as pulling on your ear lobe, scratch head, bite your nails, or twirl your hair. this is a signal for your buddies to come to the rescue when a creep is hitting on you or your in a situation you don't want to be in and you need saving. 
  • Make sure you have a DD (designated driver) so you don't have to worry about getting too drunk at the party to where you wont be able to drive home and then, worry about where your going to crash when the party ends. If all else false and you lose count of the number of drink consumed, call a taxi, local safe ride company that drives you for free, or just suck it up and call your parents. I'm sure they would love to know you called them for help and would prefer you be home safe.
  • Be sure to bring money to the party in case of an emergency, need a taxi, anything! you'll be super surprised how often you go out and wish you have money.
  • Watch your drink at all times!!!! Roofing is a constant danger when partying and the easiest way for someone to take advantage of you. take all the preventative steps in concealing your drink. there are so many products on the market that help prevent someone from spiking your drink. There are bottle stoppers, straws/cups that change color when it detects date rape drugs, roofie detecting lip gloss, test strips, drink coasters with test dots, drink covers/lids, bottle pourers, etc. watch your drink at all times - know where it came from and who bought it - never accept a drink from a stranger. Never consume a drink that has been left unattended. and DON'T SHARE YOUR DRINK WITH ANYONE. if unable to find anti-spike products, just bring an empty water bottle so you can pour your drink into it and always keep the cap on it!
  • If a friend/anybody is unconscious, place them in the recovery position - call the emergency services - they may require medical attention.
  • Trust your own instincts, if you feel something is wrong, let someone you trust know. Trust your instincts - they’re there for a reason!
  • If for any reason and the exact moment you feel unsafe/sketched, leave immediately! especially when parties get too wild, cops are bound to show up.
  • always carry your ID
  • Bring condoms just in case. things do happen, and you may just really like this new guy/girl you met and they are totally DTF and so are you. but try not to do this considering your judgement will be off and you can always just exchange numbers. but things happen and spontaneous sex is great. so just don't leave the party and your friends without telling them where you're going.
  • don't be afraid to say no! don't succumb to peer pressure.
  • don't get into a car with someone that has been drinking.
  • don't leave a party without your friends.
  • if you see your friend getting a little too drunk, flirting this someone you know they will regret later, getting a bit sloppy, being peep pressured, passing out, or anything of concern, you must get them out of that situation, cut off their drinking, or leave the party right then.
  • try not to do any drugs at a party and especially don't accept drugs from strangers. Be aware that mixing alcohol and drugs can put you in extreme danger of overdose. The depressant effects of alcohol can mask the effects of stimulant drugs like speed. they could be spiked with roofie dust or other things that can really hurt you and increase the affects of alcohol. 
  • if your friend is unconscious, stay with them and lay them on there side in case of vomiting. encourage them to vomit, if symptoms get worse, call triple zero (000) for the ambulance.
  • know your limit and stick to it! don't binge drink!
  • remember to have a good time! you're younger! enjoy it while you can!

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