Wednesday, April 24


My drawings/sketches

A few of my drawings/sketches I've done over the past year. I really want to get back into drawing. I guess I stopped because I started college, got a job, got lazy lOl, and most unfortunately, lost my inspiration. I only have one more day left for the semester and that would be for my finals >.< so hopefully I do good on them. I want to work less this summer so I can have time to find my inspiration again. just recently, I grabbed a sketch book out of the cabinet, had my pencil in my hand, about to touch the graphite to the page, and then...........................................BLANK. my mind went blank! I had no ideas, no thoughts, no feelings; NOTHING! so devastating! but anyways. hopefully this summer works out so I can do some magic on some canvas! hope you like my drawings! please comment and share. I love feed back!

To see more, click on the read more>> link!

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