Saturday, April 20

Mod Podge Guide!!!!

Your all exclusive MOD PODGE Guide!


If you don't know already, MP (mod podge) is a water-based glue, sealer, and finish. Its a strong, fast drying, all purpose, all surface, fast/clear drying, non toxic, and odorless brand of glue. MP comes in many different formulas for specific purposes that range from collages, antiquities  dimensional sealers, outdoor finishing, decoupage, etc.. All the different formulas are a glue, sealer and finish. If you need an all around multi-purpose paste, you have absolutely came to the right place!

And being an Arts&Crafts-aholic (lol) I can, with most certainty, say that this is the best glue, sealer, finishing product on the market.............. Well, at least in my opinion. 

It is relatively inexpensive, very durable, easy to use, its mulit-purpose, and its flexible; so it doesn't crack of flake.

Lets get started ^-^

first let me introduce the different formulas to you!

Classic Mod Podge This is the main/general formula, if you don't want to get too technical with your project. This formula will still serve the same purpose as all the other formulas because they are all essentially the same and are derived from this one. I use this formula for 85% of my projects that need gluing/sealing/finishing. This formula comes in different dried textures/finishes. They include  Matte, Gloss, and Satin. Ill explain each below....

Matte This is the classic MP, but, the only difference is the texture it dried to. Matte is a non-glossy non-shinny finish. an example would be the foggy part of
a grey goose vodka bottle but it would be clear, not the foggy look, "only the texture of it".

Gloss Same as classic as well, but, it dries to a glossy/shinny finish. sometimes in an area of high temperatures, the gloss will become sticky. This wont damage or denature the glue, but if the stickiness bothers you, just seal it with a clear gloss acrylic spray. This will totally take care of the stickiness. I always spray mine with krylons triple thick clear glaze for this reason and/or for added just a little bit more protection. only because my room has two sun light windows and huge wrap around windows on all three sides, so my room is always lite by the sun and if the air isn't set perfectly, it can get a little hot. But, if that's not a worry you have, the spray does add extra protection. The sprays also come in different finishes as well but lets not get distracted lol.

Satin This is a newer finish, this is not glossy/shinny and its not matte. Its pretty much smack dab in the middle. It gives a softer appearance that doesn't tend to glare in light. it seems to absorb the light but still maintains a smooth surface.

Ok so that was the 3 basic formulas

Now lets move on to the other formulas

Now we are going to get into the more complex formulas that concentrate on specific need. And to start off..

Hard Coat MP This formula is self explanatory in a sense. This formula is durable, and a long lasting coat on items that need that extra/added protection. This is commonly used on furniture, appliances, and any frequently handled or easily tarnish-able items. This formula has a satin fish to eliminate/reduce the visibility of any scratches.

Fabric MP Yes i said it.... FABRIC!!! amazing stuff. its made to decoupage your clothes or make repairs. whatever the case may be, US GIRLS NEED THIS lOl. Even if your not into the whole arts and crafts, this is a must have for nay girl that loves her clothes. There is also different techniques you can use for special affects if your a fashion designer or just like to spice up your clothes and make them unique.

Paper MP lOl yeah i know what your thinking, cant the classics be used for this purpose?!! YES! the MP wanted to make a category for scrapbookers so it can draw their attention too. its the same (exact) as classic but with a different label lOl. clever huh !!! it comes in gloss and matte of course lOl. it keeps photos and paper from yellowing and makes scrap books more durable.

Outdoor MP this is obviously for really anything that will be going outside. Its mostly used as a sealer so your projects, posters, or outdoor decorations don't get wet and ensure protection from the elements. Most commonly used on clay pottery/ceramics, posters, decor, and campus bulletin boards. For protection, spray items with outdoor sealers/finishers.

Sparkle MP My absolute fav of the MP's. I usually only use this for a finish so that the glitter will be recognized. the glitter inside is a hologram type which presents a rainbowish essences. The finish is a gloss to emphasis and maintain the sparkle of the glitter. I will actually go into depth in my glitter bug post for anyone that is curious about which glitter (loose) and glues work well together in different circumstances  but coming back to subject. This MP shows up well on darker surfaces. But if used on light surfaces, you can apply multiple coats with of course; allowing time to dry in between coats.

Glow-In-The-Dark MP another self explanatory MP. Amazing formula for kids projects, Halloween decor, party/nightclub/rave props, and really anything you want to G.I.T.D. you can get really creative with this! My friend tried using it as a nail polish. lOl I would just stick to G.I.T.D nail polish. apply several coats for a more enhanced glow. what i though was neat about this formula, its light chargeable! just expose it to light when it starts to dim.

Brush Stroke MP comes in gloss or matte, this formula is very dimensional (thick) and textured. this is mostly used as a finish to make the item look very artsy; as if it was hand painted. it adds a great touch to a centerpiece, vase, a decent size poster/picture, and every your walls. It makes something look expensive without actually being expensive.

Kids Wash Out MP this formula is less durable. Since MP is so well made, they figured they would make a formula for kids that is water soluble. the finish is gloss and it washes right off hands, hair, clothing, furniture  etc... kind of like Elmer's glue (elementary school glue) lOl we all remember that glue; but, this is 10x better!!!!!!!

Antique MP this is a neat one as well. Never thought about this before. This formula have a brownish tint to it that gives items, paper, fabric, etc., a vintage look. It has a matte finish so that it doesn't shinny or look new. I would recommend applying it on unevenly so that you have little bit darker/thicker patches. so that its just not one color all around. but it still looks great no matter what way you apply it and what look your going for.

There are some formulas that don't work well as a glue/adhesive, but instead, it is intended for a finish. These can and will work best when combined with the gluing MP's above.

And here they are :3

Super Gloss MP Ok, I've said alot is my fav formula but this over rules them all. This is great for huge projects like covering counter tops, furniture, walls, large items, etc., The super gloss allows for an epoxy like finish that is ultra smooth, ultra shinny, and ultra thick. Its not as thick as Dimensional Magic MP (next formula listed) but it is thicker than the regular MP's, so no need to worry about it being uneven, it will level out before it dries. if your gluing something down and you want a super glossy finish, glue the item down with just the Classic MP's, then apply the Super Gloss MP on top as the finish. Even though it is thicker, its as clear as the classic's when dried. I love this when sealing loose glitter!

Dimensional Magic MP This as well give a great resin/epoxy like finish and is the thickest formula. Still drying clear ^-^ yay! its as durable and long lasting as the traditional varnishes, but, its does not need to be mixed and is completely non-toxic ^-^. the finish is gloss and it comes in clear, silver glitter, and gold glitter!! YAY! to enhance the sparkle of the glitter, just apply more coats.

well i think that just about sums it up. just remember that all the formulas are finishers and sealers, so, you do not have to apply any acrylic sealers on it. I like to because I am paranoid and like to prepare for the worst lOl. Especially for items that are frequently used or handled. That's just me though lol. I like the added protection that goes beyond what Mod Podge offers already. Mod Podge also has acrylic sealers with various finishes on the market as well. just to put that thought in your head. I havent tried them "yet". lOl

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